For more than twelve years, Tamil Refugee Council (TRC) has built a record of consistent and unwavering service to the Tamil refugee community.
TRC was founded on 15 January 2011, in response to the mass arrival of refugees from Tamil Eelam (“homelands” situated in the north and east of so-called sri lanka).
Two years earlier, the sri lankan military brought to an end to the Tamil people’s liberation war, known as the Eelam Wars (1983-2009). 2009, considered the peak of the genocide, saw sri lanka bombing both civilians, NGO’s, and military alike, leaving tens of thousands of Tamils dead and hundreds of thousands displaced. Many came to so-called australia, desperately fleeing for their lives.
Since its founding, TRC has become a key defender of the rights and welfare of Tamil refugees by raising public awareness of their plight. We have also handled and assisted hundreds of individual cases.
Our work has mobilised hundreds of Tamils and motivated thousands of others to campaign for refugee rights. TRC activity falls into four categories:
Collective campaigns
Real and lasting change comes through bringing people together in action. This is the fundamental orientation of the TRC.
Individual advocacy
The TRC helps link Tamil refugees with professionals, makes representations on behalf of individuals and provides assistance to the needy.
Research and education
We educate people about the history of Tamil oppression and the challenges facing Tamil people in Sri Lanka and the diaspora.
International solidarity
With connections in Indonesia, Malaysia, India, the United Kingdom and other countries, we participate in the global struggle for Tamil rights.
In addition to our specific work related to Tamil refugees, we campaign to:

You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.
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Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere
Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere
Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere
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